For Students:

1. Do I need to have an engineering or medical background to participate on a MEDLaunch team?

No! Successful businesses rely on the expertise and knowledge of their employees from all backgrounds - so too do MEDLaunch teams. Undergraduate and graduate students studying social sciences, humanities, business, and/or law have successfully engaged in the program. We believe that each student has something they can offer to an interdisciplinary team, and we encourage everyone to apply.  

2. What resources are available to team members?

MEDLaunch provides a wealth of resources for its teams to utilize. First, we provide access to funds for each team to conduct research and develop a prototype. We also have access to testing and rapid prototyping equipment at SLU.

3. Will I get to choose the team I want to be on?

Absolutely! Every September, MEDLaunch holds an event titled Launch Day where interested students can see what projects are available for the upcoming year. Students can then talk with each team leader (Team Leaders are chosen prior to Launch) to get a sense of which project they would find the most exciting. Team Leaders then reach out to prospective team members to form a team based on interest and team needs.

4. What is the time commitment?

Time commitments vary from team to team and member to member. However, you get out of MEDLaunch what you put in! At MEDLaunch, we look to attract students that are not only the most qualified but also the most passionate and committed to success. This is your startup!

5. Can I get class credit for this?

No. MEDLaunch is entirely extracurricular for a reason. We use this as a selection tool to find the students that are truly motivated toward entrepreneurial success. MEDLaunch is not a class project - it is an opportunity for students to create a business centered around improving healthcare.

5. What is the difference between a Team Leader and a Team Member?

Team Leaders are chosen through an application and interview process prior to team formation, and each team has one leader. MEDLaunch chooses leaders based on experience and motivation, and leaders may be from any educational background. Team Leaders are responsible for the progress and direction of the team, and they get to choose a project from our bank of “Problem Profiles” on which they would like to work. Team Members can then join a team based on their interest in the project. For either, fill out the application here and send your resume to


For any other questions, please contact us.