2023-24 MEDLaunch Cohort


Team Lead: Talon Krieger

A robotic prosthetic hand with individually moving fingers capable of picking and holding onto objects with sufficient precision so as not to crush items such as an egg. The robotic prosthetic hand will be controlled using the amputee’s EMG and potentially EEG signals.

Quick Naloxone

Team Lead: Kirti Madhu

Quick Naloxone is a device that will detect drug overdose and automatically inject naloxone into the bloodstream to reverse an overdose.

Low-Cost Inexpensive Circumcision Kit

Team Lead: Joel Hwang

Male circumcision is associated with 60% reduction in female-to-male HIV transmission. Our goal is to create a low-cost disposable circumcision kit that could be manfuctured at a cheap price, easily utilized,and disposed once used.


Team Lead: Ben Sloan

There needs to be more constructive data on neurodegenerative diseases, an ongoing issue on both a research and independent patient level. There is no way to convert abstract, qualitative data effectively and consistently into concrete, tangible data for use in a hospital setting. Our goal is to develop an app that includes preventative methods and cognitive testing. The app would utilize features targeted toward cognitive training with games including puzzles, language practice, music, and more. It would also include interactive exercises that motivate and instruct users to maintain some level of physical activity while considering age and physical ability. We will implement features dedicated to regularly “testing” and tracking the neurological decline of an “at-risk” individual. All tests/games would be considered in calculating a final “at-risk” score monitored by physicians regularly.

Expecting with Ease

Team Lead: Saloni Shringarpure

Expecting with Ease is an app for expectant mothers to monitor their risk for preeclampsia, a life-threatening condition, and to track their aspirin intake to reduce the risk of developing preeclampsia. The goal of the app is to serve lowincome and underserved communities that may lack access to prenatal care and allow them to take charge of their health during pregnancy. Preeclampsia is a leading cause of maternal death and preterm labor, but many women aren't aware of the risk factors that may lead to the development of preeclampsia. This app would allow women to insert their pregnancy symptoms, which would be cross-correlated with certain risk factors for preeclampsia, such as age, renal disease, multiple gestations, etc. The user would be alerted to whether they could be at risk for developing preeclampsia from these results. Additionally, a treatment to reduce the risk of developing preeclampsia is to take aspirin, however, the guidelines for the medication are structured in a confusing manner. Hence, the app would also recommend a certain medication plan for aspirin, which can be adjusted according to OB/GYN advice and allow women to track their aspirin intake daily. The app would also screen for allergies and send the user reminders in case they miss a dose.